Interview Skills
When preparing for an interview it is important to ask yourself these questions:
What impression do I wish to give?
As you are being judged and observed, your behaviour and responses are insightful to the interviewer. Think about what it is you wish to demonstrate to the interviewer.
Am I prepared?
Spending time preparing for an interview will make you feel more relaxed and confident. Before the interview, acknowledge your anxieties and address any concerns you may have about the role. Take the time to confirm meeting details, plan travel routes, research the position and thoroughly understand the criteria.
Will my image mirror the interviewer’s?
How you present yourself is an indication of the type of person you are: your willingness to embrace a company’s culture; the effort and care you will take; and the pride you have in your work.
An interview is a chance for you to present evidence for your case as the best applicant. The questions you ask will demonstrate your enthusiasm and understanding of the role. Stick to the relevant issues, identify and convey your strengths, and remain positive. Listen carefully to your interviewer’s questions, then deliver direct responses that highlight your previous experience and link to the prospective position’s requirements.
First impressions do count.
The image you wish to convey needs to reflect your capabilities. Are you being professional, polite, courteous, respectful and honest?