Occupational Health & Safety
Jenny Barbour IT & Project Recruitment is committed to providing an environment that is safe and without risk to the health of its permanent staff and contractors. We comply with all relevant Occupational Health and Safety legislation and strive for continuous improvement in our OH&S performance.
Our OH&S commitment extends to: periodic client site reviews; inductions with new contractors to ensure they understand their OH&S responsibilities and participate in a client site induction; monitoring of incidents; and supporting return-to-work programs.
Once on-site, our contractors have a responsibility to look after their own health and the safety of those who may be affected by their acts or omissions. Contractors must report all hazards, incidents and any changes to their job/duties directly to both the client and the Contractor Manager at Jenny Barbour IT & Project Recruitment.
As an IT contractor, your workstation is your main base and it is important to know how to set this up to minimise any risk of developing aches or pains. Contact us for more information at [email protected] .