“This letter is to advise you that [name withheld for commercial reasons] Group of Companies in Australia has had a close working relationship with Jenny Barbour IT & Project Recruitment since September 1998.
In 2001, we formalised our association with Jenny Barbour IT & Project Recruitment through a global tendering process of which they were successful and were awarded our “Preferred Supplier” status. Since then we have had no hesitation to extend our contract with Jenny Barbour IT & Project Recruitment and plan to continue doing business with them for the foreseeable future.
Jenny Barbour IT & Project Recruitment has continued to supply us with numerous contractors on both short term and long term tenure. We have always found their candidates of an excellent standard and fit for the requirements we specified. From an administration standpoint, we have always found dealing with the staff of Jenny Barbour IT & Project Recruitment to be nothing less than professional in all aspects, which has contributed significantly to a Least Cost of Ownership outcome of our contract management…”
Procurement Consultant
“Jenny and her team display strong partnership skills by seeking to understand the broader [name withheld for commercial reasons] business objectives as well as the requirements of the job vacancies they manage with us.
Jenny Barbour IT & Project Recruitment have been successful in attracting a number of high calibre candidates for our IT function in what is a very labour short market.
Jenny and her team are proactive in their sourcing and selection approach, provide us with an enhanced understanding of the external IT market and are supportive across administration matters when required…”
HR Resourcing Manager